Uno Dos Tres Learn Spanish

About Uno Dos Tres Learn Spanish

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    Uno Dos Tres Learn Spanish is my first & only business. My goal with Uno Dos Tres Learn Spanish is to use my knowledge of the Spanish language to create a fun and engaging learning environment which helps my students have the ability to create meaningful conversation.

    Uno Dos Tres Learn Spanish

    I am a mother of a blended family comprised of two girls and four boys. Our family calls Lee’s Summit, MO home. We spend our time at soccer games, doing fun family activities, and just being pretty normal.

    I learned to speak Spanish and became passionate about it early in life. I went on to focus on Spanish in college & then complete an 18-month-course to receive my HCI (Health Care Interpreting) Certificate.

    Uno Dos Tres Learn Spanish is my first & only business. My goal with Uno Dos Tres Learn Spanish is to use my knowledge of the Spanish language to create a fun and engaging learning environment which helps my students have the ability to create meaningful conversation.

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